Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nature Trail Blog

1. Box elder Bugs- Primary Consumers
2. Lady Bugs- Primary Consumers
3. Mosquitoes- Parasitic Consumers
4. Capped Mushrooms- Decomposers
5. Oak Trees- Producers
6. Sparrows- Secondary Consumers
7. Starlings- Secondary Consumers
8. Pricker Plants- Producers
9. Poison Ivy- Producers
10. Moss- Producers
11. Tree Fungi- Decomposer
12. Lichens- Consumers
13. Certain species of budding flowers- Producers
14. Maple Trees- Producers
15. Duckweed- Producers

The nature trail is a representative of our community because it contains the organisms that make up the rest of our community. It is also supported and generated by people's volunteering and donations. Many of the organisms on the trail can be found pretty much anywhere in the area. The species range from very small to very large, different colours, and different ages.

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