Monday, September 21, 2009

Success Story Summaries

Holland Students Tackle Energy Use: Students at Holland middle school looked at their school's energy consumption and realized that it could be decreased. They decided to implement "dark days", where lights and other electronics were used at a minimum. Doing this for just one day saved them $206. They got their message out through many mediums, such as powerpoint presentations and announcements.

Food Waste in the Lunchroom at Ellis Elementary School: Students at Ellis Elementary School basically started with the scientific method as they asked a question and followed with a survey. First, they wanted to know what students thought the biggest problem in their school was. Most students said food waste in the cafeteria, so they decided to test what they could do to eliminate food waste. What they came up with was to have recess before lunch. This was because students felt rushed to go out to recess and wouldn't finish their lunches. They did a trial run, and if the trial run works then they plan on permanently implementing the new schedule.

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